Nant NUnit and FxCop Build Script

Here’s a nant script I’ve knocked up which does the following:

  • Compiles the solution in debug
  • Moves the Unit test dlls into a single common folder
  • Applies Unit tests
  • Generates reports
  • Runs an FxCop analysis
  • Outputs the FxCop analysis to an xml file

I’ve used this build script in a continuous integration system that doesn’t actually publish any code. The purpose of this system is to run the unit tests and the code analysis quickly so that feedback can be obtained as early as possible. I’ve reused most of this script in the nightly build, which actually deploys the resulting code to a test server. The main difference is that the build is done in release maode in that instance. Anyway, here’s the script:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>
<project name=”Unit tests” default=”run”>

<property name=”namespace” value=”MyProjectName” />
<property name=”test.dir” value=”.\UNITTESTS” />
<property name=”nant.settings.currentframework” value=”net-2.0″ overwrite=”false”/>
<property name=”output.dir” value=”c:\output” overwrite=”false”/>
<!– fxcop props –>
<property name=”fxcop.basedir” value=”C:\FxCop” />
<property name=”fxcop.executable” value=”${fxcop.basedir}\fxcopcmd.exe” overwrite=”false”/>
<property name=”fxcop.template” value=”${fxcop.basedir}\Template.FXCop” overwrite=”false”/>
<property name=”fxcop.out” value=”${output.dir}\${namespace}.fxCop.xml” overwrite=”false”/>

<target name=”compile”>
<msbuild project=”${namespace}.sln” >
<arg value=”/property:Configuration=Debug”/>

<target name=”move” description=”moves the unittest dlls into a single common folder”>
<mkdir dir=”${test.dir}” />
<copy todir=”${test.dir}” includeemptydirs=”false” flatten=”true”>
<fileset basedir=”..\”>
<include name=”**\*UnitTests.dll” />

<target name=”test” depends=”compile” description=”Apply unit tests”>
<property name=”nant.onfailure” value=”fail.test”/>

<formatter type=”Xml” usefile=”true” extension=”.xml” outputdir=”${output.dir}” />
<assemblies basedir=”${test.dir}” >
<include name=”*UnitTests.dll”/>

<nunit2report out=”${output.dir}\${namespace}.html” >
<include name=”${output.dir}\*.dll-results.xml” />
<property name=”nant.onfailure” value=”fail”/>

<target name=”fail.test”>
<nunit2report out=”${output.dir}\${namespace}.html” >
<include name=”${output.dir}\*.dll-results.xml” />

<target name=”cop”>
<echo message=”Running FxCop Analysis”/>
<exec program=”${fxcop.executable}” commandline=”/p:${fxcop.template} /f:${test.dir}\*.dll /o:${fxcop.out} /s” failonerror=”false”/>
<!–<echo message=”Logging Analysis Results”/>
<fxcoplogger dbserver=”myDbServer” dbname=”CodeAnalysis” trustedconnection=”true” />–>

<target name=”run” depends=”compile, move, test, cop”>


One thing you might note is that there appears to be a bit of replication of the same code, namely the nunit2report. But if you follow the logic, you’ll see the reason for this. We don’t want the build to stop processing if one of the unit tests fail, we actually want to capture the results, carry on, and present them in the build report. So what you do is add this line:

<property name=”nant.onfailure” value=”fail.test”/>

This tells the the script to go to the fail.test target, only if the build fails. This target generates the nunit2report, thus:

<target name=”fail.test”>
<nunit2report out=”${output.dir}\${namespace}.html” >
<include name=”${output.dir}\*.dll-results.xml” />

However, I still want to see the nunit2report even if the build doesn’t fail, so I have put a copy of the same target inside the test target, this means that if the unit tests fail or pass, I get my report, and if the tests pass, the build process carries on to do an FxCop analysis.

I think the outline of this system is covered in a book called Expert .Net Delivery by Marc Holmes, which is a great resource for getting up and running with Nant. It was the first book I bought when I started using Nant, and I recall it covered the fundamentals very well. It’s a pity the title doesn’t have “Continuous Integration” in it, because it’s actually a good place to start when setting up a .Net based CI system too.

Speaking of CI – if you use CruiseControl.Net there are handly transforms for getting your FxCop and Nunit reports published alongside your build on the CI dashboard. Alternatively you can hack the dashboard and provide a customised link to the nunit2report’s output html – it all depends on which format you prefer. I can’t decide, so I have both!