Read-only Gradle Wrapper Files Are Bad, mmkaay

I’ve just been messing around with a Gradle build using Gradle Wrapper, trying to import an ant build which does some clever stuff. I couldn’t get it to work, so I eventually changed the Ant script to just echo a variable, and then just tried importing the ant file into gradle and calling the echo task, like this:

ant file (test.xml):

    <target name=”test” >
<echo>the value of main.version is ${main.version}</echo>

Gradle file:

ant.importBuild ‘test.xml’

And I was just running this:

gradlew test

Simples, right? Well, as it happens, no. I’m running the 1.0 “release” of gradle wrapper (which is actually versioned as 1.0-rc-3, strangely enough). Whenever I tried to run my highly complicated build (ahem), I got this lovely error:

Could not open task artifact state cache (D:\development\ReleaseEngineering\main\commonBuildStuff\.gradle\1.0-rc-3\taskArtifacts).
> D:\development\ReleaseEngineering\main\commonBuildStuff\.gradle\1.0-rc-3\taskArtifacts\ (Access is denied)

Access is denied! Gah! Of course it is! Wait, why is access denied? Well, basically that file is read-only because it’s in source control and I’m using Perforce. I removed the read-only flag and the build worked. Problem temporarily solved. It’s going to be interesting to see how this is going to work in the C.I. system…


Sonar Analysis Using Gradle

I’ve been experimenting with Gradle recently, and as part of the experiment, I wanted to get Sonar running and producing code metrics, including test coverage reports. I’m running the first release version of Gradle, so version 1.0.

To get Sonar working in Gradle you need to apply the sonar plugin, like this:

apply plugin: ‘sonar’

Then you need to add some sonar connection settings (very much like with Maven):

sonar {
server {
url = “http://${sonarBaseName}/”
database {
url = “jdbc:mysql://${hostBaseName}:3306/sonar?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8”
driverClassName = “com.mysql.jdbc.Driver”
username = “wibble”
password = “wobble”

To run the Sonar analysis/reports, you just call sonarAnalyze, which is the in-built task that the Sonar plugin gives you. So far, so easy.

The first problem was with the version of Sonar. My colleage Ed (check out his blog here) was trying to get a gradle build working with an existing Sonar installation, but wasn’t having much joy. We were using a version of Sonar pre version 2.8, so we had to upgrade. In the end we were forced to upgrade to version 3.0.1. That was the first pain point.

The next problem we stumbled upon was with cobertura. There’s a cobertura plugin for Gradle, and getting it to work is a bit unusual. You need to reference an initialisation script which is hosted on GitHub, like this:

buildscript {
apply from: ‘;

We had some problems with this. One day, I could access this script fine, and the next it failed. A week or so later, I could access it, but Ed’s build couldn’t. We still don’t understand why this was the case, but we suspect it was something to do with the GitHub https connection.

To make sure we didn’t get this problem again, we got hold of the initialisation script and saved it locally – unfortunately it has dependencies so we had to download the whole folder and put this in our artifactory repository, and make the build reference it from there. This seemed to fix our problem, but it left us with another issue – we were now depending on another build component, which contained hard coded build configuration information (the initialisation script refers to the maven central repo). We weren’t happy with this (since we use our own cached repositories in artifactory), so we had to think of a solution.

Ed went away to meditate on our problem. A little while later he came back with a gradle build file which used the Cobertura ant task. It’s pretty much the same way as it’s documented in the gradle cookbook, here.

These are the important parts that you need to include:

def cobSerFile="${project.buildDir}/cobertura.ser"
def srcOriginal="${sourceSets.main.classesDir}"
def srcCopy="${srcOriginal}-copy"
dependencies {
        testRuntime 'net.sourceforge.cobertura:cobertura:1.9.3'
        testCompile 'junit:junit:4.5'
test.doFirst  {
    ant {
        // delete data file for cobertura, otherwise coverage would be added
        delete(file:cobSerFile, failonerror:false)
        // delete copy of original classes
        delete(dir: srcCopy, failonerror:false)
        // import cobertura task, so it is available in the script
        taskdef(resource:'', classpath: configurations.testRuntime.asPath)
        // create copy (backup) of original class files
        copy(todir: srcCopy) {
            fileset(dir: srcOriginal)
        // instrument the relevant classes in-place
        'cobertura-instrument'(datafile:cobSerFile) {
            fileset(dir: srcOriginal,
test {
    // pass information on cobertura datafile to your testing framework
    // see information below this code snippet
test.doLast {
    if (new File(srcCopy).exists()) {
        // replace instrumented classes with backup copy again
        ant {
            delete(file: srcOriginal)
            move(file: srcCopy,
                     tofile: srcOriginal)
        // create cobertura reports
format:'xml', srcdir:"src/main/java", datafile:cobSerFile)
format:'html', srcdir:"src/main/java", datafile:cobSerFile)

So this is how we’ve got it running at the moment. As you can see, we’re no longer using the Cobertura plugin for gradle. The next thing we need to do is get Sonar to pick up the Cobertura reports. This is configured in the Sonar configuration section. I’ve shown the Sonar configuration section at the top of this page, but now we need to make some changes to it, like this:


project {
coberturaReportPath = new File(buildDir, “/reports/cobertura/coverage.xml”)
sourceEncoding = “UTF-8”
dynamicAnalysis = “reuseReports”
testReportPath = new File(buildDir, “/test-results”)

server {
url = “http://${sonarBaseName}/”
database {
url = “jdbc:mysql://${hostBaseName}:3306/sonar?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8”
driverClassName = “com.mysql.jdbc.Driver”
username = “wibble”
password = “wobble”

Now we need to go back and change the output directory of our Cobertura ant configuration, to make it output to /reports/cobertura/coverage.xml, so we change the last bit of our configuration to look like this:

 // create cobertura reports

format:'xml', srcdir:"src/main/java", datafile:cobSerFile)
format:'html', srcdir:"src/main/java", datafile:cobSerFile)

Exporting MAVEN_OPTS not working for Freestyle Jenkins Projects

I’m running Jenkins version 1.428 and I have a “Freestyle” project. The aim of this project is to upload a large tar.gz file to an artifactory repository. The team are using Maven so we started out by looking at using Maven to do the deployment. It seems simple enough – you just choose “Invoke top-level maven targets” and add the usual maven deploy details here, like so:


The trouble is, because the tar is so large (126Mb in this instance), it fails with a Java heap space issues (out of memory exception). So, it would be very tempting to try to increase the MAVEN_OPTS by passing it via the JVM Options, as shown below:

Sadly, this doesn’t work. It fails with an ugly error saying MAVEN_OPTS isn’t recognised, or some such thing.

Now, in an attempt to be clever, we thought we could simply execute a shell command first, and get that to set the MAVEN_OPTS, like so:

Good ideah huh? Yeah, well it didn’t work 😦

It looks like there’s a general issue with setting MAVEN_OPTS for freestyle projects in Jenkins version 1.428 – see here for details.


There’s actually a couple of workarounds. Firstly, you can run maven via the shell execution command, and explicitly pass the MAVEN_OPTS value:

This actually works fine, and is the preferred way of doing it in our case.

The other option is to use Ant to do the deployment – this somehow seems to use a lot less memory and doesn’t fail quite so easily. Also, you don’t have this issue with the MAVEN_OPTS being passed as you can set it directly in the ant file. Here’s the ant file I created (I also created a very basic pom.xml):

<project name=”artifactory_deploy” basedir=”.” default=”deploy_to_repo” xmlns:artifact=”antlib:org.apache.maven.artifact.ant”>
<description>Sample deploy script</description>
<taskdef resource=”net/sf/antcontrib/”/>

<property name=”” value=”myrepo” />
<property name=”artifactory.url” value=””/&gt;
<property name=”” value=”massive.tar.gz”/>

<target name=”deploy_to_repo” description=”Deploy build to repo in Artifactory” >
<artifact:pom id=”mypom” file=”pom.xml” />
<artifact:deploy file=”${}”>
<remoteRepository url=”${artifactory.url}/${}” />
<pom refid=”mypom” />





Coping With Big C.I.

Last night I went along to another C.I. meetup to listen to Tom Duckering, a consultant devops at Thoughtworks, deliver a talk about managing a scaled-up build/release/CI system. In his talk, Tom discussed Continuous Delivery, common mistakes, best practices, monkeys, Jamie Oliver and McDonald’s.

Big CI and Build Monkeys

buildmonkeyFirst of all, Tom started out by defining what he meant by “Big CI”.

Big CI means large-scale build and Continuous Integration systems. We’re talking about maybe 100+ bits of software being built, and doing C.I. properly. In Big CI there’s usually a dedicated build team, which in itself raises a few issues which are covered a bit later. The general formula for getting to Big CI, as far as build engineers (henceforth termed “build monkeys”) are concerned goes as follows:

build monkey + projects = build monkeys

build monkeys + projects + projects = build monkey society

build monkey society + projects = über build monkey

über build monkey + build monkey society + projects = BIG CI


What are the Issues with Big CI?

Big CI isn’t without its problems, and Tom presented a number of Anti-Patterns which he has witnessed in practice. I’ve listed most of them and added my own thoughts where necessary:

Anti-Pattern: Slavish Standardisation

As build monkeys we all strive for a decent degree of standardisation – it makes our working lives so much easier! The fewer systems, technologies and languages we have to support the easier, it’s like macro configuration management in a way – the less variation the better. However, Tom highlighted that mass standardisation is the work of the devil, and by the devil of course, I mean McDonald’s.

McDonald’s vs Jamie Oliver 

ronnysmug git

Jamie Oliver might me a smug mockney git who loves the sound of his own voice BUT he does know how to make tasty food, apparently (I don’t know, he’s never cooked for me before). McDonald’s make incredibly tasty food if you’re a teenager or unemployed, but beyond that, they’re pretty lame. However, they do have consistency on their side. Go into a McDonald’s in London and have a cheeseburger – it’s likeley to taste exactly the same as a cheeseburger from a McDonald’s in Moscow (i.e. bland and rubbery, and nothing like in the pictures either). This is thanks to mass standardisation.

Jamie Oliver, or so Tom Duckering says (I’m staying well out of this) is less consistent. His meals may be of a higher standard, but they’re likely to be slightly different each time. Let’s just say that Jamie Oliver’s dishes are more “unique”.

Anyway, back to the Continuous Integration stuff! In Big CI, you can be tempted by mass standardisation, but all you’ll achieve is mediocrity. With less flexibility you’re preventing project teams from achieving their potential, by stifling their creativity and individuality. So, as Tom says, when we look at our C.I. system we have to ask ourselves “Are we making burgers?”

Are we making burgers?

– T. Duckering, 2011

Anti-Pattern: The Team Who Knew Too Much

There is a phenomenon in the natural world known as “Build Monkey Affinity”, in which build engineers tend to congregate and work together, rather than integrate with the rest of society. Fascinating stuff. The trouble is, this usually leads the build monkeys to assume all the responsibilities of the CI system, because their lack of integration with the rest of the known world makes them isolated, cold and bitter (Ok, I’m going overboard here). Anyway, the point is this, if the build team don’t work with the project team, and every build task has to go through the build team, there will be a disconnect, possibly bottlenecks and a general lack of agility. Responsibility for build related activities should be devolved to the project teams as much as possible, so that bottlenecks and disconnects don’t arise. It also stops all the build knowledge from staying in one place.

Anti-Pattern: Big Ball of CI Mud

This is where you have a load of complexity in your build system, loads of obscure build scripts, multitudes of properties files, and all sorts of nonsense, all just to get a build working. It tends to happen when you over engineer your build solution because you’re compensating for a project that’s not in a fit state. I’ve worked in places where there are projects that have no regard for configuration management, project structures in source control that don’t match what they need to look like to do a build, and projects where the team have no idea what the deployed artifact should look like – so they just check all their individual work into source control and leave it for the build system to sort the whole mess out. Obviously, in these situations, you’re going to end up with some sort of crazy Heath Robinson build system which is bordering on artificial intelligence in its complexity. This is a big ball of CI mud.

Heath Robinson Build System

Heath Robinson Build System a.k.a. "a mess"

Anti-Pattern: “They” Broke MY Build…

This is a situation that often arises when you have upstream and downstream dependencies. Let’s say your build depends on library X. Someone in another team makes a change to library X and now your build fails. This seriously blows. It happens most often when you are forced to accept the latest changes from an upstream build. This is called a “push” method. An alternative is to use the “pull” method, which is where you choose whether or not you want to accept a new release from an upstream build – i.e. you can choose to stick with the existing version that you know works with your project.

The truth is, neither system is perfect, but what would be nice is if the build system had the flexibility to be either push or pull.

The Solutions!

Fear not, for Tom has come up with some thoroughly decent solutions to some of these anti-patterns!

Project Teams Should Own Their Builds

Don’t have a separated build team – devolve the build responsibilities to the project team, share the knowledge and share the problems! Basically just buy into the whole agile idea of getting the expertise within the project team.

Project teams should involve the infrastructure team as early as possible in the project, and again, infrastructure responsibilities should be devolved to the project team as much as possible.

Have CI Experts

Have a small number of CI experts, then use them wisely! Have a program of pairing or secondment. Pair the experts with the developers, or have a rotational system of secondment where a developer or two are seconded into the build team for a couple of months. Meanwhile, the CI experts should be encouraged to go out and get a thoroughly rounded idea of current CI practices by getting involved in the wider CI community and attending meetups… like this one!

Personal Best Metrics

The trouble with targets, metrics and goals is that they can create an environment where it’s hard to take risks, for fear of missing your target. And without risks there’s less reward. Innovations come from taking the odd risk and not being afraid to try something different.

It’s also almost impossible to come up with “proper” metrics for CI. There are no standard rules, builds can’t all be under 10 minutes, projects are simply too diverse and different. So if you need to have metrics and targets, make them pertinent, or personal for each project.

Treat Your Build Environments Like They Are Production

Don’t hand crank your build environments. Sorry, I should have started with “You wouldn’t hand crank your production environments would you??” but of course, I know the answer to that isn’t always “no”. But let’s just take it as read that if you have a large production estate, to do anything other than automate the provision of new infrastructure would be very bad indeed. Tom suggests using the likes of Puppet and Chef, and here at Caplin we’re using VMWare which works pretty well for us. The point is, extend this same degree of infrastructure automation to your build and CI environments as well, make it easy to create new CI servers. And automate the configuration management while you’re at it!

Provide a Toolbox, Not a Rigid Framework

Flexibility is the name of the game here. The project teams have far more flexibility if you, as a build team, are able to offer a selection of technologies, processes and tricks, to help them create their own build system, rather than force a rigid framework on them which may not be ideal for each project. Wouldn’t it be nice, from a build team perspective, if you could allow the project teams to pick and choose whichever build language they wanted, without worrying that it’ll cause a nightmare for you? It would be great if you could support builds written in Maven, Ant, Gradle and MSBuild without any problems. This is where a toolkit comes in. If you can provide a certain level of flexibility and make your system build-language agnostic, and devolve the ownership of the scripts to the project team, then things will get done much quicker.

Consumer-Driven Contracts

It would be nice if we could somehow give upstream builds a “contract”, like a test API layer or something. Something that they must conform to, or make sure they don’t break, before they expose their build to your project. This is a sort of push/pull compromise.

And that pretty much covers it for the content of Tom’s talk. It was really well delivered, with good audience participation and the content was thought-provoking. I may have paraphrased him on the whole Jamie Oliver thing, but never mind that.

It was really interesting to hear someone so experienced in build management actually promote flexibility rather than standardisation. It’s been my experience that until recently the general mantra has been “standardise and conform!”. But the truth is that standardisation can very easily lead to inflexibility, and the cost is that projects take longer to get out of the door because we spend so much time compromising and conforming to a rigid process or framework.

Chatting to Christian Blunden a couple of months back about developer anarchy was about the first time I really thought that such a high degree of flexibility could actually be a good thing. It’s really not easy to get to a place where you can support such flexibility, it requires a LOT of collaboration with the rest of the dev team, and I really believe that secondment and pairing is a great way to achieve that. Fortunately, that’s something we do quite well at Caplin, which is pretty lucky because we’re up to 6 build languages and 4 different C.I. systems already!

What is in a name? Usually a version number, actually.

Another fascinating topic for you – build versioning! Ok, fun it might not be, but it is important and mostly unavoidable. In an earlier blog I outlined a build versioning strategy I was proposing to use with our Java builds. Since then, the requirements have changed, as they tend to, and so I’ve had to change the versioning convention.

Essentially, what I’m after is a way of using artifact version numbers to tell me some useful at-a-glance information about the artifact I have created. Also, customers want the version number to meet their expectations – that is, when they get a new build, they want to see an easily identifiable difference in the version number between the new build and their old one. What they don’t want is a long complicated list of numbers which are hard to distinguish. For instance, it’s much easy to identify which of the following 2 versions is the latest:

  • 5.0.1
  • 5.0.4

but it’s not so easy to work out which of these is the latest:


As we’re practicing continuous delivery, any given check-in can feasibly produce a release build. So, I would like some way of identifying exactly which check in produced my builds, or at least have a way of working out which bits of source code went into my released package. There are a couple of ways we can do this:

Tag the source code – We could make the builds tag the source code in our SCM system (Perforce) with every build. This is relatively easy to do using Ant and Maven. With Ant there are numerous different ways of doing it depending on your SCM system, for instance, with subversion you need to use the SvnAnt tasks from subclipse ( and basically perform a copy of your source url:

 <copy srcUrl=”${src.url}” destUrl=”${dest.url}” message=”${version.num}”/>

(this is because tags in svn are just cheap copies with a label).

With Maven you just need to use the release plugin – this automatically handles tagging for you.

Tagging the source code is great – it keeps the version numbers as simple as I’d like, and it’s nicely traceable. However, it’s time consuming, and can result in a lot of tags.  The other problem is, I can’t tell which check-in caused the build just by looking at the version number of an artifact.

Use the commit number in the build version – We use a build version of Major.Release.Patch-Build in our artifacts. The build number used to be an auto-incrementing number – this worked fine but it didn’t give us a link back to which commit had caused the build to be made. So, I decided to use the perforce changelist id (i.e. the commit version) as the build number in the version, so that builds would end up looking something like this: 1.0.0-11531.

The problem here is that the version number is not customer friendly – so I remove the build number as a final step, before the builds get released to customers. To track what version the customers have got, I still keep a record of the full build number (including the commit number) in the release notes, and I could also easily inject it into an assembly info or properties/config file if I so wished, so that customers could very easily read out the full version number just by looking in a menu somewhere.

There were several obstacles I had to overcome to get this working. The first obstacle, and really this was the one that stopped me from tagging the source code, was that the maven release plugin is abysmal when it comes to continuous delivery. I needed to use the release plugin to tag the source code, but one of the other things that the maven release plugin does is to remove the word SNAPSHOT, increment the version number, and check the pom back into source control. This would cause another build to trigger in the CI system, which in turn would increment the build number etc and cause another build to trigger – so on and so on. Basically it would create a continually building project.

So I have decided not to use the maven release plugin at all – it doesn’t seem to fit in with Continuous Delivery. In order to create potential release candidates with every successful build, I’ve removed the word SNAPSHOT from all the poms, so we aren’t making any snapshot builds anymore either (except when you build locally – more on that later). The version in the poms now takes the P4 commit number, which is injected via the Continuous Integration system, which in my case is Go. Jenkins also supports this, using the subversion plugin (if you use subversion), which sets an environment variable with the svn revision number (more details here). The Jenkins Perforce plugin does the same thing, setting the P4_CHANGELIST environment variable – so it can easily be consumed (more details here).

Go takes the P4 changelist number and puts it in an environment variable called “GO_PIPELINE_LABEL”. I read this variable in, and assign it to a property called p4.revision. I do this in the command that kicks off the build, so that it overwrites a default value which I can keep in my pom – this is useful because it means my colleagues and I don’t have to make any changes to the pom if we want to run a build locally (bear in mind if we run it locally this environment variable won’t exist on our PCs, so the build would otherwise fail). Here’s a basic run down of a sample pom, with more details to follow:


<description>Description about this application</description>







The value for p4.revision is “SNAP” by default, meaning that if I make a local build, I’ll get an artifact with the version 5.0.2-SNAP. I know that these builds should never be promoted to production or handed to customers because the word SNAP gives it away.  However, when a build is created by the CI system, the following command is passed:

clean deploy sonar:sonar -Dp4.revision=${env.GO_PIPELINE_LABEL}

This overwrites the value for p4.revision, passing in the Perforce commit number, and the build will create something like 5.0.2-1234 (where 1234 is my imaginary p4 commit number).

I’ve added a property called main.version, which is the same as the full version but without the build number. I’ve done this so that I can package up my customer builds (ina  zip) and label them with the version 5.0.2. After all, customers don’t care about the build number.

An important policy to follow is once a build is released to a customer, one of the other version numbers MUST be increased, meaning all further builds will be at least 5.0.3. The decision of which version number to increase depends on various business factors – I like to increase the 3rd number if I’m releasing a patch to a previously released build. If I’m releasing new functionality I increase the second number. The first number gets increased for major releases. The whole issue of version numbers becomes a lot less complicated if you’re in the business of releasing software to web servers and you don’t actually have to hand software over to customers. In this instance, I just keep the full version number with the build number at the end, as it’s usually someone like me who has to look after the production system anyway!

Are Tools and Processes Stifling Our Creativity and Productivity?

I had lunch with my friend Christian the other day (we went to wagamamas, I had Ginger Chicken Udon – delicious) and he was telling me about a company who work according to what sounded very much like developer anarchy – basically everyone is allowed to go their own route, use whatever tools or languages they please, using any framework they want to, to deliver projects. This sounded like fresh lunacy, and I couldn’t get past how much of a nightmare it must be as a build/release or sysadmin guy, to make all of that come together and then look after it.

Developer Anarchy

However, it did get me thinking about the tools and frameworks that I’ve used over the years, and whether they were too restrictive. That led me on to thinking about some of the business processes I’ve worked with, and how counter-productive they could be too. So I decided to list some of these tools, processes and frameworks, and critique them with respect to how inflexible and restrictive they can be.

Maven and Ant

Rather predictably, I’ll start with Maven. Maven is both a build tool and a framework, it uses plugins to hide the complexities of the tasks it performs “behind the scenes”. Rather than explicitly coding out what you want to compile, or what unit tests you want to run, Maven says “if you put your files here, and call this plugin, I’ll take care of it”. Most of the Maven plugins are fairly configurable, but only to an extent, and you have to consult the (very hit-and-miss) documentation every time you want to do something even slightly off the beaten path. It very much relies on the “convention over configuration” principle – as long as you conform to its convention, you’ll be fine. And it’s this characteristic which inevitably makes it so restrictive. It’s testament to how difficult it is to veer from the “Maven way” that I almost always end up using the antrun task to call an ant script to do most of the non-standard Maven things that I want to do with my builds. For instance, I currently have a requirement to copy my distributable to 2 separate repositories, one with some supporting files (which need to be filtered) and one without. This isn’t a particularly weird requirement, and you can probably do it with Maven, but despite the fact that I’ve worked with Maven on a daily basis for over 3 years, I still find it much easier to just call Ant to do stuff like this, rather than write my own plugin or go trawling through Maven’s online documentation.

Dev Team Ring-Fencing

I have worked in companies where discussion and interaction between development and QA/NetOps etc have actively been discouraged. The idea behind this insanity has been to give the developers time to do their work, without being constantly interrupted by testers, release engineers etc and so on. I can just about understand how this can happen, but I can’t really understand how someone can come to the conclusion that ring-fencing a whole team and discouraging interactions with other teams is a sustainable and sensible solution. The solution should be to find out exactly WHY the QA or NetOps team need to constantly interrupt the developers. Being told that you can’t talk freely with other teams develops business silos which can be very hard to break down, and also prevents people from getting the information they require, which can seriously impact productivity.


If I had a pound and a pat on the head every time I heard the phrase “we can’t do that, it would never get past the auditors”, by now I’d be a rich man with a flat head. Working in build and release engineering, I quite often get caught up with security and audit issues when it comes to doing deployments – what account should be used to do deployments to production? How often should passwords be changed? How do we pass the passwords? Are they encrypted? What level of access should release engineers have to the codebase? All of these questions come up at one point or another. In my experience, developers, sysadmins, managers and the like, will always come back with “you can’t do that, it’ll never get past the auditors” whenever you propose a new or slightly radical way of doing things, it’s like their safety net, and I think it’s just their way of saying “we don’t like that, it’s different, different is bad”. My suggestion is to speak with the auditors and challenge what you’ve been told. If that’s not possible, try to find out exactly what rule you’re breaking and then find out what the guidelines for compliance are on the rule in question – google is remarkably good for this, so are forums and meetups. In my experience, most of the so called compliance rules are not nearly as draconian or restrictive as many of my own colleagues would have me believe.


Oh my god. So many meetings. I now hate pretty much all meetings. Prior to working at Caplin Systems I think my job was to attend meetings all day. I can’t really remember, I can’t actually remember a time before meetings.

The worst meetings of all are the “weekly status meetings”. I don’t know if these are widely popular but if they are, and you have to attend them, then you have my sympathies. They amount to a lot of people talking about stuff that’s already happened. Quite a lot of it has nothing to do with you, and absolutely all of it could be communicated more efficiently without needing a meeting. Also, someone takes notes. Taking notes in a meeting about stuff that’s already happened so that they can tell everyone else about what happened in a meeting about stuff that’s already happened. The pain is still raw. Don’t do this, it’s stupid. Do demos instead, they’re more interesting and we actually get to SEE stuff, rather than just hear someone droning on about stuff they’ve already done. Meetings are not productive, and they stifle my creativity by making me want to go to sleep.

MS Project

“You have to work on this today, and it has to take you eight hours, and then you have to work on a different project for 50% tomorrow, and then you have to work on bla bla bla”. No. Wrong. This is totally unrealistic. You only have to be out by 10% with your LOE (Level of Effort, or SWAG “Sophisticated Wild-Arsed Guess”) to throw the whole thing into disarray. Be sick for a day and they system is in free-fall, one project needs to shift by 1 day and suddenly you’re clashing with all these other projects and you’re assigned to work a 16 hour day. MS Project is often the tool of choice for companies who follow the Waterfall process, and it’s probably the process as much as the tool itself which causes this mess, but the tool certainly doesn’t help. I prefer to use tools that allow me to manage my time on a 2 weekly basis (like Acunote, see here), the decision of when I should work on each task is determined by me and the team I’m working with, and it has worked very successfully so far.

Source Control Systems

Aside from Visual Source Safe, I’ve never worked with a truly awful SCM. They all have really neat features and at the end of the day they perform an exceedingly important job. However, the everyday use of these tools varies from one to another, and some are more restrictive and controlling than others. For instance, Perforce, which has long been one of my favorites, only allows you to have 1 root for your client spec – this is a pain in a CI system if you can’t tell your server to swithch clientspec (or workspace). I’m currently working with Perforce coupled with Go as the Continuous Integration server, and Go forces me to check out my files to “C:\Program Files\Cruise Agent” but my build has a requirement to also sync some files to D:\. This can’t be done with Perforce because you can only have one root directory (in this case C:\).

I like SCM systems where it’s easy to create branches. I’m a big fan of personal branches, somewhere to check-in my personal work, POCs, or just incomplete bug fixes that I’d like to check-in somewhere safe before I go home. Subversion and Git make this easy, and they also allow you to merge your changes to another branch. I personally find Subversion better at this than Perforce, but that might just be me (I get confused with Perforce’s “yours” and “theirs”). SCM systems that allow for easy branching are far less restrictive, and encourage you to try something different, without having to worry about checking in to the main branch and breaking everything.

Continuous Integration Systems

C.I. systems can really get in the way of your productivity if they:

  • Take ages to setup a build job – How can I be productive if I’m spending so long creating a build job, or waiting for one to be made?
  • Keep reporting false-negatives – How can I be productive if I’m always looking into a failing build which isn’t really failing?
  • Don’t provide a friendly interface
  • Don’t provide you with the information that you need!

A good C.I. system should be a service, and a hub of information. It should be easy to copy build jobs or create new ones and it should provide all users with a single point of reference for all the build output, like test results and static analysis results. At a previous job, Pankaj Sahu, the build engineer, setup a system of automatically creating build jobs in Bamboo using Selenium and Ant, it was brilliant. Bamboo also allows you to copy jobs, which is in itself a real time saver. Jenkins also has a similar feature. Go, which is a good C.I system is slightly harder work, but it’s main advantages lay elsewhere.

Build Versioning Strategy

Over the last few years I’ve followed a build versioning strategy of the following format:

<Major Version>.<Release Version>.<Patch Number>.<Build ID>

The use of decimal points allows us to implement an auto-incrementing strategy for our builds, meaning the Build ID doesn’t need to be manually changed each time we produce a build, as this is taken care of by the build system. Both Maven and Ant have simple methods of incrementing this number.

Ensuring that each build has a unique version number (by incrementing the Build ID) allows us to distinguish between builds, as no two builds of the same project will have the same BuildID. The other numbers are changed manually, as and when required.

When to Change Versions:

Major Version – Typically changes when there are very large changes to product or project, such as after a rewrite, or a significant change to functionality

Release Version – Incremented when there is an official release of a project which is not considered a Major Version change. For example, we may plan to release a project to a customer in 2 or 3 separate releases. These releases may well represent the same major version (say version 5) but we would still like to be able to identify the fact that these are subsequent planned releases, and not patches.

Patch Number – This denotes a patch to an existing release. The release that is being patched is reflected in the Release Version. A patch is usually issued to fix a critical bug or a collection of major issues, and as such is different to a “planned” release.

Build ID – This auto-increments with each release build in the CI system. This ensures that each build has a unique version number. When the Major Version, Release Version or Patch Number is increased, the Build ID is reset to 1.

Examples: – This represents release 17.23. It is the 9th build of this release. – This is the next release, release 17.24. This is the first build of 17.24. – This represents a patch for release 17.24. This is the first patch release, and happens to be the 2nd build of that patch.

Continuous Delivery using build pipelines with Jenkins and Ant

My idea of a good build system is one which will give me fast, concise, relevant feedback, but I also want it to produce a proper finished article when I’ve checked in my code. I’d like every check-in to result in a potential release candidate. Why? Well, why not?

I used to employ a system where release candidates were produced separately to my check-in builds (also known as “snapshot” builds). This encouraged people to treat snapshot builds as second rate. The main focus was on the release builds. However, if every build is a potential release build, then the focus on each build is increased. Consequently, if every build could be a potential release candidate, then I need to make sure every build goes through the most rigorous testing possible, and I would like to see a comprehensive report on the stability and design of the build before it gets released. I would also like to do all of this automatically, as I am inherently lazy, and have a facebook profile to constantly update!

This presents me with a problem: I want instant feedback on check-in builds, and to have full static analysis performed on them and yet I still want every check-in build to undergo a full suite of testing, be packaged correctly AND be deployed to our test environments. Clearly this will take a lot longer than I’m prepared to wait! The solution to this problem is to break the build process down into smaller sections.

Pipelines to the Rescue!

The concept of build pipelines has been around for a couple of years at least. It’s nothing new, but it’s not yet standard practice, which is a pity because I think it has some wonderful advantages. The concept is simple: the build as a whole is broken down into sections, such as the unit test, acceptance test, packaging, reporting and deployment phases. The pipeline phases can be executed in series or parallel, and if one phase is successful, it automatically moves on to the next phase (hence the relevance of the name “pipeline”). This means I can setup a build system where unit tests, acceptance tests and my static analysis are all run simultaneously at commit stage (if I so wish), but the next stage in the pipeline will not start unless they all pass. This means I don’t have to wait around too long for my acceptance test results or static analysis report.

Continuous Delivery

Continuous delivery has also been around for a while. I remember hearing about it in about 2006 and loving the concept. It seems to be back in the news again since the publication of “Continuous Delivery”, an excellent book from Jez Humble and David Farley. Again the concept is simple, roughly speaking it means that every build gets made available for deployment to production if it passes all the quality gates along the way. Continuous Delivery is sometimes confused with Continuous Deployment. Both follow the same basic principle, the main difference is that with Continuous Deployment it is implied that each and every successful build will be deployed to production, whereas with continuous delivery it is implied that each successful build will be made available for deployment to production. The decision of whether or not to actually deploy the finished article to the production environment is entirely up to you.

Continuous Delivery using Build Pipelines

You can have continuous delivery without using build pipelines, and you can use build pipelines without doing continuous delivery, but the fact is they seem made for each other. Here’s my example framework for a continuous delivery system using build pipelines:

I check some code in to source control – this triggers some unit tests. If these pass it notifies me, and automatically triggers my acceptance tests AND produces my code-coverage and static analysis report at the same time. If the acceptance tests all pass my system will trigger the deployment of my project to an integration environment and then invoke my integration test suite AND a regression test suite. If these pass they will trigger another deployment, this time to UAT and a performance test environment, where performance tests are kicked off. If these all pass, my system will then automatically promote my project to my release repository and send out an alert, including test results and release notes.

So, in a nutshell, my “template” pipeline will consist of the following stages:

  • Unit-tests
  • Acceptance tests
  • Code coverage and static analysis
  • Deployment to integration environment
  • Integration tests
  • Scenario/regression tests
  • Deployments to UAT and Performance test environment
  • More scenario/regression tests
  • Performance tests
  • Alerts, reports and Release Notes sent out
  • Deployment to release repository

Introducing the Tools:

Thankfully, implementing continuous delivery doesn’t require any special tools outside of the usual toolset you’d find in a normal Continuous Integration system. It’s true to say that some tools and applications lend themselves to this system better than others, but I’ll demonstrate that it can be achieved with the most common/popular tools out there.

Who’s this Jenkins person??

Jenkins is an open-source Continuous Integration application, like Hudson, CruiseControl and many others (it’s basically Hudson, or was Hudson, but isn’t Hudson any more. It’s a trifle confusing*, but it’s not important right now!). So, what is Jenkins? Well, as a CI server, it’s basically a glorified scheduler, a cron job if you like, with a swish front end. Ok, so it’s a very swish front end, but my point is that your CI server isn’t usually very complicated, in a nutshell it just executes the build scripts whenever there’s a trigger. There’s a more important aspect than just this though, and that’s the fact that Jenkins has a build pipelines plugin, which was written recently by Centrum Systems. This pipelines plugin gives us exactly what we want, a way of breaking down our builds into smaller loops, and running stages in parallel.


Ant has been possibly the most popular build scripting language for the last few years. It’s been around for a long while, and its success lies in its simplicity. Ant is an XML based scripting language tailored specifically for software build related tasks (specifically Java. Nant is the .Net version of Ant and is almost identical).


Sonar is a quality measurement and reporting tool, which produces metrics on build quality such as unit test coverage (using Cobertura) and static analysis tools (Findbugs, PMD and Checkstyle). I like to use Sonar as it provides a very readable report and contains a great deal of useful information all in one place.

Setting up the Tools

Installing Jenkins is incredibly simple.  There’s a debian package for Operating Systems such as ubuntu, so you can install it using apt-get. For Redhat users there’s an rpm, so you can install via yum.

Alternatively, if you’re already running Tomcat v5 or above, you can simply deploy the jenkins.war to your tomcat container.

Yet another alternative, and probably the simplest way to quickly get up and running with Jenkins is to download the war and execute:

java -jar jenkins.war

This will run jenkins through it’s own Winstone servlet container.

You can also use this method for installing Jenkins on Windows, and then, once it’s up and running, you can go to “manage jenkins” and click on the option to install Jenkins as a Windows Service! There’s also a windows installer, which you can download from the Jenkins website

Ant is also fairly simple to install, however, you’ll need the java jdk installed as a pre-requisite. To install ant itself you just need to download and extract the tar, and then create the environment variable ANT_HOME (point this to the directory you unzipped Ant into). Then add ${ANT_HOME}/bin (or %ANT_HOME%/bin if you’re on Windows) to your PATH, and that’s about it.

Configuring Jenkins

One of the best things about Jenkins is the way it uses plugins, and how simple it is to get them up and running. The “Manage Jenkins” page has a”Manage Plugins” link on it, which takes you a list of all the available plugins for your Jenkins installation:

To install the build pipeline plugin, simply put a tick in the checkbox next to “build pipeline plugin” (it’s 2/3 of the way down on the list) and click “install”. It’s as simple as that.

The Project

The project I’m going to create for the purpose of this example is going to be a very simple java web application. I’m going to have a unit test and an acceptance test stage.  The build system will be written in Ant and it will compile the project and run the tests, and also deploy the build to a tomcat server. Sonar will be used for producing the reports (such as test coverage and static analysis).

The Pipelines

For the sake of simplicity, I’ve only created 6 pipeline sections, these are:

  • Unit test phase
  • Acceptance test phase
  • Deploy to test phase
  • Integration test phase
  • Sonar report phase
  • Deploy to UAT phase

The successful completion of the unit tests will initiate the acceptance tests. Once these complete, 2 pipeline stages are triggered:

  • Deployment to a test server


  • Production of Sonar reports.

Once the deployment to the test server has completed, the integration test pipeline phase will start. If these pass, we’ll deploy our application to our UAT environment.

To create a pipeline in Jenkins we first have to create the build jobs. Each pipeline section represents 1 build job, which in this case runs just 1 ant task each. You have to then tell each build job about the downstream build which is must trigger, using the “build other projects” option:

Obviously I only want each pipeline section to do the single task it’s designed to do, i.e. I want the unit test section to run just the unit tests, and not the whole build. You can easily do this by targeting the exact section(s) of the build file that you want to run. For instance, in my acceptance test stage, I only want to run my acceptance tests. There’s no need to do a clean, or recompile my source code, but I do need to compile my acceptance tests and execute them, so I choose the targets “compile_ATs” and “run_ATs” which I have written in my ant script. The build job configuration page allows me to specify which targets to call:

Once the 6 build jobs are created, we need to make a new view, so that we can start to visualise this as a pipeline:

We now have a new pipeline! The next thing to do is kick it off and see it in action:

Oops! Looks like the deploy to qa has failed. It turns out to be an error in my deploy script. But what this highlights is that the sonar report is still produced in parallel with the deploy step, so we still get our build metrics! This functionality can become very useful if you have a great deal of different tests which could all be run at the same time, for instance performance tests or OS/browser-compatibility tests, which could all be running on different Operating Systems or web browsers simultaneously.

Finally, I’ve got my deploy scripts working so all my stages are looking green! I’ve also edited my pipeline view to display the results of the last 3 pipeline builds:


The pipelines plugin also works for Hudson, as you would expect. However, I’m not aware of such a plugin for Bamboo. Bamboo does support the concept of downstream builds, but that’s really only half the story here. The pipeline “view” in Jenkins is what really brings it all together.

“Go”, the enterprise Continuous Integration effort from ThoughtWorks not only supports pipelines, but it was pretty much designed with them in mind. Suffice to say that it works exceedingly well, in fact, I use it every day at work! On the downside though, it costs money, whereas Jenkins doesn’t.

As far as build tools/scripts/languages are concerned, this system is largely agnostic. It really doesn’t matter whether you use Ant, Nant, Gradle or Maven, they all support the functionality required to get this system up and running (namely the ability to target specific build phases). However, Maven does make hard work of this in a couple of ways – firstly because of the way Maven lifecycles work, you cannot invoke the “deploy” phase in an isolated way, it implicitly calls all the preceding phases, such as the compile and test phases. If your tests are bound to one of these phases, and they take a long time to run, then this can make your deploy seem to take a lot longer than you would expect. In this instance there’s a workaround – you can skip the tests using –DskipTests, but this doesn’t work for all the other phases which are implicitly called. Another drawback with maven is the way it uses snapshot and release builds. Ultimately we want to create a release build, but at the point of check-in we want a release build. This suggests that at some point in the pipeline we’re going to have to recompile in “release mode”, which in my book is a bad thing, because it means we have to run ALL of the tests again. The only solution I have thought of so far is to make every build a release build and simply not use snapshots.

* A footnote about the Hudson/Jenkins “thing”: It’s a little confusing because there’s still Hudson, which is owned by Oracle. The whole thing came about when there was a dispute between Oracle, the “owners” of Hudson, and Kohsuke Kawaguchi along with most of the rest of the Hudson community. The story goes that Kawaguchi moved the codebase to GitHub and Oracle didn’t like that idea, and so the split started.

Sonar now supports Ant

Great news for Ant users, the new version of Sonar (2.6) now includes support for Ant. Previously it only supported Maven, which was a bit of a pity because it’s such a good tool, so it’s really good to hear that you can now get all the goodness of Sonar with Ant as well. There’s also talk of support for gradle too.

There’s a new Sonar Ant task so you can add Sonar to your ant scripts (details here).

Here’s the link to the release page for version 2.6 of Sonar.


Ant script to delete .svn dirs

I’ve used this script a good few times, so I’m writing it here for safe keeping!
It’s just a simple Ant script for deleting the .svn folders from within a folder structure, simple as that. There’s an example of how to do the same thing on the Ant website, but at the moment it’s wrong (I think they’re missing a slash after the .svn).

So here’s the target:

<target name=”delete”>
<delete includeemptydirs=”true”>
<fileset dir=”C:\James.Betteley\Projects\” defaultexcludes=”false” includes=”**\*.svn\”/>